All posts by boli
Sea Monster
Air Bear
Film Predictions.
Man gets stuck in lift for 40+ hours.
How to deal with telemarketers.
Splendid. I may have to try this.
CHDK for Canon Cameras
CHDK is a firmware enhancement (not replacement!) that works with several Canon Cameras. CHDK gets loaded into the camera’s memory at boot (either manually or automatically). It provides additional functionality beyond that currently provided by the native camera firmware. Firmware modification not required!
Ecstasy [may be] the key to treating PTSD
Some doctors believe MDMA could be the key to solving previously untreatable deep-rooted traumas. For a hard core of PTSD cases, no amount of antidepressants or psychotherapy can rid them of the horror of systematic abuse or a bad near-death experience, and the slightest reminder triggers vivid flashbacks.
The Empire Strikes Barack
Political Shenanigans
Attack of the Wasp!
***boli fights wasp
***boli wins
boli: never bring a stinging tail to a 1400W vacuum cleaner fight