Cardiac arrest has been suggested as a partial cause of Jacksons death, but many of his closest friends are blaming it on the boogie.
Two of Jacko’s tour dates have been cancelled : Timmy (9) and Peter (11).
Jackson was initially rushed to casualty believed to be having a heart attack, but was later found in the childrens ward having a stroke.
…and she was all like …
Cassetteboy vs Alan Sugar
Operators are standing by
- The terminator survives by hiding in the fridge.
- They electrocute the terminator by having it bite an undersea power cable.
- It turns out that the terminator was Keyser Soze all along.
- The terminator wakes up at the end, and is wearing his ruby slippers.
- The marshmallow man crosses the streams and sends the terminator back across the void.
- The terminator was pushed, and he gave them a war they didn’t believe.
- The terminator finds one-eyed-willys treasure, and uses it to save the goondocks.
- They find out that the terminator was a cylon.
- It’s not who the terminator is that’s important – it’s what he does.
From the horses mouth, or something
Shouldn't you be working?