Not sure how old this is, but it still seems quite relevant today.
Echelon Conspiracy : A bit of a mash-up of things like ‘Enemy of the State’ ‘Eagle Eye’ and ‘Wargames’. Not as good as any of them (and Eagle Eye was pretty poor anyways!).
The Invaders : Late 60s cold war paranoia sci-fi. Yay!
Journeyman :…featuring ‘that bloke from Dog Soldiers’, in a sci-fi time-travel romp that was most entertaining, until they cancelled it. gits.
Inkheart / The Spiderwick Chronicles : Inkheart tried quite hard, but there was something missing. Spiderwick was ok though, though I have a feeling that fans of the book will have hated it.
Bolt : Entertaining rendered romp
Tinselworm : Bill Baileys comedic antics. Not quite as good as Part Troll, but still recommended
Submit Interface Improved
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the article submission page was improved somewhat, making it much more obvious when a submission has worked or not, and if not why not.
Wafa Sultan
I hope she survives speaking her mind.
Seduce and Destroy
Slinky Cat
Cat slinky
*Scorpio:* You won’t believe what the stars have in store this week. So I’m not going to fucking well tell you.
*Gemini:* Mercury moves into the house of repressed memories, so now is a good time to ask your parents why Uncle Frank is never invited to family gatherings.
*Libra:* It is time you realised that those limited edition Sneaker Pimp 12″ singles are not ‘Going to be well pricey one day”. Throw them out, you ageing tit.
*Cancer:* Nobody ever gets over their first love but a chance encounter this week will make you realise that they very quickly got over you.
*AIDS:* If desperation truly is the worst cologne, this week you will stink like a Yorkshire vet’s fist.
*Space Otter:* Why did you buy another box of Oxo cubes? You’ve already got five of them in the cupboard, for christ’s sake.
*One That Looks Like A Goat:* That feeling you’ve had since childhood that you were destined for something special will be borne out this week when you are slaughtered by an infamous serial killer.
*Aquarius:* Facebook, Twitter, MySpace – how many more ways do you need showing that nobody cares about you?
*Mondeo:* Something about changes in the workplace and a new relationship starting. Either that or it’s something to do with a phone call. I could care less, frankly.
*Bison:* The past is a foreign country and so is Uganda. Three guesses where you’re going to end up by Friday.
*Capricorn:* A reunion with old school friends is on the cards. You’d better get started inventing what you’ve done with your life for the past twenty years.
*Capricorn I:* According to your astrological chart, approximately four million people in Britain will have exactly the same kind of week that you’re going to have.
*Gladiator:* It will soon become apparent that you don’t even like 80% of what’s on your iPod. John Cougar Mellencamp? What were you thinking?
Mosquito vs Laser
Don’t try this at home.
It has been alleged that if all scrabble tiles are combined it is possible to write “”COUNTRYMEN, I AM TO BURY, NOT EULOGIZE, CAESAR; IF EVIL LIVES ON, BEQUEATHING INJURY, GOOD OFT EXPIRES: A PALSIED, AWKWARD DEATH!”
For some reason this entertains me.