Samples and loops
Samples and loops
A story about about a useless ghost with perpetual PMT(Lenora Crichlow), a crap werewolf who overpronounces his ‘t’s while simultaneously being scared of his own shadow (Russel Tovey), and a vampire on a guilt trip (Aidan Turner) who live in a house together.
The vampire is the only decent character in the house as the other two are just far too pathetic to like at all. The evil vampire cops character has merit though, and the actor behind it (Jason Watkins) could probably pull off a nicely vicious part if he was given some decent material to do it with.
The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country; The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it already is and The Sun readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits.
An admirable viewpoint.
You are a product tester and frequently bring your work home. Yesterday, while dressed in a flame resistant suit (up to 3,000 degrees) and carrying the latest model fire extinguisher, you discover your neighbor’s house is on fire. As the flames quickly spread, you stand and watch your neighbor’s new baby burn to death. Which of the following best describes your behavior?
A : All-powerful
B : All-knowing
C : All-loving
D : Mysterious
As the header says…
Facebook is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, in which
the objective is to collect “friends”
Normally I wouldn’t bother making a post about something as mundane as uninstalling software. It is, usually, simply a matter of ‘clicking uninstall’. Except in this case, I couldn’t find an uninstaller for Bonjour anywhere on my system.
I’d noticed a couple of odd slowdowns that hadn’t occurred before so I was looking through running processes and noticed mdnsresponder.exe there. A short hunt later revealed it to be part of the Apple Bonjour service. Now there’s a good chance I didn’t read some license somewhere that told me something was going to install Bonjour, so I blame myself for that. Nevertheless I don’t want it on my system, so I set about removing the beast.
If you’ve found this because you want to remove Bonjour too, then BE CAREFUL because you might severely incapacitate your computer if you aren’t
Now, you might be lucky and everything might be absolutely fine. It wasn’t for me though. Massive pauses on startup, many services on my machine failing to start (including sound, network, and others). My computer was basically unusable online or for much else.
After much searching using a spare machine, I found links to LSPFix mentioned above. After running it, and rebooting, my machine was back to normal.
Was I just unlucky? Perhaps… but I don’t think I’m the only one. Apple–. Ugh.