The Drumlake Experiment
Bacon Floss
The Front Fell Off
Clarke and Dawe
LiquidMac – Eyecandy!
“Liquid mac requires a macintosh laptop computer with a sudden motion enabled sensor. This includes MacBook family, MacBook Pro family, and some of the latest PowerBooks. It mimics the behavior of liquid by creating a particle system that reacts to the computer’s orientation. ”
Technically impressive demo
Useful Sites for Media Junkies
- Find out what has been released here or here. It will help prevent downloading fakes.
- See if theres any review of it here
- This place might tell you when the next episode is due, if it’s a series
- Check your favourite torrent sites.
- Using Windows? – then use the best BitTorrent client for Windows.
An Atheists Call to Arms
“Richard Dawkins urges all atheists to openly state their position — and to fight the incursion of the church into politics and science. A fiery, funny, powerful talk.”
New Look
I’m not sure about that orange though. Oh, and the dates don’t work yet. Still, you can’t have everything.
Argh. Its a snake! (Badgers not included)