Divide & Kreate
There are some excellent mashups here. In particular check out Sweet Jacqueline and Stairway to heaven.
Falcon vs Hawk vs Pigeon
Lions vs Buffalo vs Crocodile
I strongly recommend viewing this confrontation between a herd of Cape Buffalo, a small pride of lions, and a pair of crocodiles.
Leopard Attacks Crocodile
Favicon Defender
Defender (Yes, that one… no, really.) in your favicon.
Who Killed the Electric Car?
In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline………..Ten years later, these cars were destroyed. Why? torrent.
…covered with more spiders!
Control Mars Rover with TeX
ICFP Programming Contest. The task this year was to write a controller for a Mars rover.
Sodium Party
“I decided I should produce a comprehensive online reference on sodium dropping, with documentation on the size and shape of the chunks, how thrown, and most importantly with videos of the resulting explosions. To do this, I held a Sodium Party. People brought chips and soda and we had a cookout.”